Scanner Frequencies
This page is undergoing some construction work at the moment, please see bottom of page for more information. (Some Frequencies out of date) 31 Megahertz 31.7250 - 31.7750 Hospital Paging Emergency Speech Return NFM 31.7250 161.0001 Nationwide Hospital Paglng 31.7500 161.0251 Nationwide Hospital Paging 31.7750 161.0501 Nationwide Hospital Paging 34 Megahertz 34.9250 - 34.9750 Low Power Alarms for Elderly and Infirm 34.9500 Nationwide Alarm for Elderly & Infirm 35 Megahertz 35.0000 - 35.2500 Radio Controlled Models 10 kHz (100 mW Max) 35.0000 Nationwide Channel 60 35.0100 Nationwide Channel 61 35.0200 Nationwide Channel 62 35.0300 Nationwide Channel 63 35.0400 Nationwide Channel 64 35.0500 Nationwide Channel 65 35.0600 Nationwide Channel 66 35.0700 Nationwide Channel 67 35.0800 Nationwide Channel 68 35.0900 Nationwide Channel 69 35.1000 Nationwide Channel 70 35.1100 Nationwide Channel 71 35.1200 Nationwide Channel 72 35.1300 Nationwide Channel 73 35.1400 Nationwide Channel 74 35.1500 Nationwide Channel 75 35.1600 Nationwide Channel 76 35.1700 Nationwide Channel 77 35.1800 Nationwide Channel 78 35.1900 Nationwide Channel 79 35.2000 Nationwide Channel 80 35.2100 Nationwide Channel 81 35.2200 Nationwide Channel 82 35.2300 Nationwide Channel 83 35.2400 Nationwide Channel 84 35.2500 Nationwide Channel 85 35.2500 - 37.7500 MoD Tactical Communications 25 kHz NFM Simplex 37 Megahertz 37.7500 - 37.8500 Radio Astronomy Band 37.9000 - 40.1000 MoD Tactical Communications 25 kHz NFM Simplex40 Megahertz
40.0500 Nationwide Military Distress Frequency 40.6650 40.9550 Nationwide Radio Controlled Surface Models 10 kHz MoD Tactical Communications 25 kHz NFM Simplex 40.6650 Nationwide Channel 665 40.6750 Nationwide Channel 675 40.6850 Nationwide Channel 685 40.6950 Nationwide Channel 695 40.7050 Nationwide Channel 705 40.7150 Nationwide Channel 715 40.7250 Nationwide Channel 725 40.7350 Nationwide Channel 735 40.7450 Nationwide Channel 745 40.7550 Nationwide Channel 755 40.7650 Nationwide Channel 765 40.7750 Nationwide Channel 775 40.7850 Nationwide Channel 785 40.7950 Nationwide Channel 795 40.8050 Nationwide Channel 805 40.8150 Nationwide Channel 815 40.8250 Nationwide Channel 825 40.8350 Nationwide Channel 835 40.8450 Nationwide Channel 845 40.8550 Nationwide Channel 855 40.8650 Nationwide Channel 865 40.8750 Nationwide Channel 875 40.8850 Nationwide Channel 885 40.8950 Nationwide Channel 895 40.9050 Nationwide Channel 905 40.9150 Nationwide Channel 915 40.9250 Nationwide Channel 925 40.9350 Nationwide Channel 935 40.9450 Nationwide Channel 945 40.9550 Nationwide Channel 955 41 Megahertz 41.0000 - 46.6000 MoD Tactical Communications 25 kHz NFM Simplex 42 Megahertz 42.1250 Nationwide Army War Training 46 Megahertz 46.0000 Nationwide Royal Signals Publlc Display 46.3250 Nationwide Army War Training 46.6100 - 46.9700 Cordless Telephones US Specification Base NFM Handset Split + 3.06 MHz 46.6100 49.6700 Nationwide Channel 1 46.6300 49.8450 Nationwide Channel 5 46.6700 49.8600 Nationwide Channel 8 46.7100 49.7700 Nationwide Channel 2 46.7300 49.8700 Nationwide Channel 6 46.7700 49.8300 Nationwide Channel 9 46.8000 BBC Music Link 46.8300 49.8900 Nationwide Channel 3 46.8700 49.9300 Nationwide Channel 7 46.9300 49.9900 Natlonwide Channel 10 46.9700 49.9700 Nationwide Channel 4 47 Megahertz 47.0000 - 47.4000 Future PMR Allocation, currently MoD 47.4000 Nationwide Car Theft Paging Alarms BBC Music Link 47.41875 - 47.43125 Extended Range Cordless Phones NFM 47.41875 77.5500 Nationwide 47.43125 77.5125 Nationwide 47.45625 - 47.54375 MHz DTI Approved Cordless Telephones NFM 47.45625 1.6420 Nationwide Channel 1 47.46875 1.6620 Nationwide Channel 2 47.48125 1.6820 Nationwide Channel 3 47.49375 1.7020 Nationwide Channel 4 47.50625 1.7220 Nationwide Channel 5 47.51875 1.7420 Nationwide Channel 6 47.53125 1.7620 Nationwide Channel 7 47.54375 1.7820 Nationwide Channel 8 47.5500 - 48.5500 Broadcasting Links NFM 47.94375 Nationwide ITV Engineers Channel 1 47.95625 Nationwide ITV Engineers Channel 2 47.96875 Nationwide ITV Engineers Channel 3 49 Megahertz 49.0000 - 49.4875 One Way Non Speech Paging Systems 12.5 kHz NFM 49.0000 Nationwide Channel 1 49.0125 Nationwide Channel 2 49.0250 Nationwide Channel 3 49.0375 Nationwide Channel 4 49.0500 Nationwide Channel 5 49.0625 Nationwide Channel 6 49.0750 Nationwide Channel 7 49.0875 Nationwide Channel 8 49.1000 Nationwide Channel 9 49.1125 Nationwide Channel 10 49.1250 Nationwide Channel 11 49.1375 Nationwide Channel 12 49.1500 Nationwide Channel 13 49.1625 Nationwide Channel 14 49.1750 Nationwide Channel 15 49.1875 Nationwide Channel 16 49.2000 Nationwide Channel 17 49.2125 Nationwide Channel 18 49.2250 Nationwide Channel 19 49.2375 Nationwide Channel 20 49.2500 Nationwide Channel 21 49.2625 Nationwide Channel 22 49.2750 Nationwide Channel 23 49.2875 Nationwide Channel 24 49.3000 Nationwide Channel 25 49.3125 Nationwide Channel 26 49.3250 Nationwide Channel 27 49.3375 Nationwide Channel 28 49.3500 Nationwide Channel 29 49.3625 Nationwide Channel 30 49.3750 Nationwide Channel 31 49.3875 Nationwide Channel 32 49.4000 Nationwide Channel 33 49.4125 Nationwide Channel 34 49.4250 Nationwide Channel 35 Hospital Paging 49.4375 Nationwide Channel 36 Hospital Paging 49.4500 Nationwide Channel 37 Hospital Paging 49.4625 Nationwide Channel 38 Hospital Paging 49.4750 Nationwide Channel 39 Hospital Paging 49.4875 Nationwide Channel 40 *** 49.5000 - 49.7875 BBC Cordless Microphones NFM *** 49.6700 - 49.9700 Cordless Telephones US Specification Handset NFM Base Split - 3.06 MHz *** 49.8200 - 49.9875Low Power Devices, Remote Controlled Toys and 'Baby Monitors %FM 49.8200 Nationwide Channel 1 49.8300 Nationwide Channel 2 49.8400 Nationwide Channel 3 49.8500 Nationwide Channel 4 49.8600 Nationwide Channel 5 49.8700 Nationwide Channel 6 49.8900 Nationwide Channel 7 49.9000 Nationwide Channel 8 49.9100 Nationwide Channel 9 49.9200 Nationwide Channel 10 49.9300 Nationwide Channel 11 49.9400 Nationwide Channel 12 49.9500 Nationwide Channel 13 49.9600 Nationwide Channel 14 49.9700 Nationwide Channel 15 49.9800 Nationwide Channel 16 50 Megahertz 50.0000 - 52.0000 6m UK Amateur Radio Band All Modes *** 52.0000 - 52.3875 Broadcasting Links NFM 53.7500 - 55.7500 MHz BBC 5W Cordless Microphones NFM 53.7500 Nationwide Channel 1 55.7500 Nationwide Channel 19 54.0000 - 60.0000 MHz MoD Tactical Communications 25 kHz NFM Simplex 56.6250 Nationwide Royal Signals Public Display 60.7500 - 62.7500 MHz BBC 5W Cordless and Outside Broadcast Microphones NFM 60.7500 Nationwide Channel 20 62.7500 Nationwide Channel 38 64.0000 - 68.0000 MHz MoD Tactical Communications 25 kHz NFM Simplex BBC Outside Broadcast Microphones and Links 64.0375 Nationwide BBC OB WBFM Microphones 67.0125 Nationwide BBC OB Control 67.0250 Nationwide BBC OB Control 68.0000 - 69.5000 MHz MoD Tactical Communications 25 kHz AM/NFM MOD Transport & Mould Links 68.0250 Nationwide UKAEA Transport Movements AM 68.1500 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 6 68.1500 79.3500 Nationwide Army Stores 68.2000 79.4000 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 4 68.2500 South County Down Ulster Defence Regiment 68.3000 79.2250 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 1 68.3250 Nationwide Mil. Airfield Gnd Services AM 68.3500 79.4500 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 5 68.4000 79.2500 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 2 68.4250 Northern Ireland Army 68.4250 79.2750 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 3 68.5000 79.8000 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 7 68.5250 79.7000 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 8 68.6000 79.9500 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 9 68.6375 Nationwide Army Pye Nubian Major Ch 1 68.6625 Nationwide Army Pye Nubian Major Ch 2 68.6735 Northern Ireland Army 68.6875 Nationwide Army Pye Nubian Major Ch 3 68.7125 Nationwide Army Pye Nubian Major Ch 4 68.7375 Nationwide Army Pye Nubian Major Ch 5 68.7625 Nationwide Army Land Forces 68.7875 Nationwide Army Stores 69.0500 Nationwide BBC OB Control 69.1250 Northern Ireland Army 69.1550 Northern Ireland Army 69.2000 Northern Ireland Army 69.2500 Northern Ireland Army 69.3000 Nationwide Sea Cadets Northern Ireland Army 69.3750 Nationwide BSC OB Control Northern Ireland Army 69.4000 Northern Ireland Army 69.4750 84.5250 Nationwide 39lnf Bgd & Sig Sqn Channel A9 69.5000 - 69.8000 MHz MoD Tactical Communications 25 kHz NFM Simplex 69.5500 Northern Ireland Army 69.7500 Northern Ireland Army 69.8000 Northern Ireland Army 69.8250 - 69.9625 MHz BBC TV Outside Broadcast "System One" CMCR Studio Manager Talkback & MoD Tactical Channels 69.8225 74.7000 Nationwide BBC Studio Manager Channel 3 69.8250 Nationwide BSC CMCR Channel 7 Northern Ireland Army 69.8350 75.2688 Nationwide BBC Studio Manager Channel 4 69.8375 Nationwide BBC CMCR Channel 8 69.8475 74.6875 Nationwide BBC Studio Manager Channel 5 69.8500 Nationwide BBC CMCR Channel 9 Northern Ireland Army 69.8600 74.7125 Nationwide BBC Studio Manager Channel 6 69.8625 Nationwide BBC CMCR Channel 10 69.8725 75.2813 Nationwide BBC Studio Manager Channel 7 69.8750 Nationwide BBC CMCR Channel 11 69.8850 Nationwide BBC Studio Manager Channel 8 69.8975 75.2938 Nationwide BBC Studio Manager Channel 9 69.9000 Nationwide BBC CMCR Ch 12 BBC Scotland County Armagh Ulster Defence Regiment 69.9075 75.2875 Nationwide BBC Studio Manager Channel 2 69.9500 Northern Ireland Army 69.9625 75.2625 Nationwide BBC Studio Manager Channel 1 69.9650 - 70.0000 MHz MoD Tactical Communications 25 kHz NFM 70.0250 - 70.5000 MHz 4m Amateur Radio Band 70.2600 Mobile Calling Channel 70.3000 RTTY Calling Channel 70.5125 - 71.5000 MHz Fire Brigades (England & Wales) 12.5 kHz NFM Duplex 71.5125 - 72.7875 MHz PMR Low Band Mobiles 12.5 kHz AM/NFM Dup I ex (Base Split + 10.5 MHz) 72.8000 - 73.9250 MHZ MOD Tactical Communications 25 kHz NFM Duplex 73.0000 78.9000 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 7 73.0250 78.6500 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 8 73.1250 78.4000 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 1 73.1500 78.4250 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 2 73.2000 78.4500 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 3 73.2250 78.4750 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 4 73.2500 78.5000 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 5 73.3250 78.8000 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 6 73.5000 78.6500 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 1 73.5250 78.7250 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 2 73.5500 78.7750 Nationwide Army Pye Equipment Channel 9 73.7000 84.1250 Nationwide 61 Sig Sqn Channel 1 73.7250 84.1500 Nationwide 61 Sig Sqn Channel 2 73.7500 84.1750 Nationwide 61 sig Sqn Channel 3 73.7750 84.2500 Nationwide 61 Sig Sqn Channel 4 73.8000 84.2750 Nationwide 61 Sig Sqn Channel 5 73.8250 84.3250 Nationwide 61 Sig Sqn Channel 6 73.8500 84.3050 Nationwide 61 Sig Sqn Channel 7 73.8750 84.3750 Nationwide 61 Sig Sqn Channel 8 73.9000 84.4250 Nationwide 61 Sig Sqn Channel 9 73.9250 84.4750 Nationwide 61 Sig Sqn Channel 10 73*9250 74.1000 MHz MoD Mould Repeaters 12.5 kHz NFM Duplex 74.1000 74.7875 MHz MoD Mould & Tactical Channels 12.5 kHz NFM 74.2000 79.3000 Nationwide Military Transport Security 74.2500 RAF Bentwaters USAF Police 74.5500 79.5500 Nationwide RAF Police 75.0000 Nationwide CAA Runway Marker Beacons 75.2500 75.3000 MHz BBC Outside Broadcast Talkback NFM MoD Tactical Communications 75.2625 69.9625 Nationwide BBC Talkback Channel 1 75.2688 69.8350 Nationwide BBC Talkback Channel 4 75.2813 69.8725 Nationwide BBC Talkback Channel 7 75.2875 69.9075 Nationwide BBC Talkback Channel 2 75.2938 69.8975 Nationwide BBC Talkback Channel 9 75.3000 76.7000 MHz MoD Police, Mould and USAFE Ba3e Security 12.5 kHz NFM/AM Simplex 75.4500 Nationwide USAF Base Security Common 75.5750 Nationwide USAF Ground Common 76.7000 76.9500 MHz HM Customs, BT, IBA & USAFE Communications 12.5 kHz NFM/AM Duplex 76.7000 Nationwide British Telecom Channel A Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 4 76.7000 86.7125 Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 1 76.7125 Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 5 76.7250 Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 6 76.7250 86.7125 Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 2 76.7375 Nationwide British Telecom Channel B 76.7375 86.7375 Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 9 76.7500 Nationwide British Telecom Channel C 76.7625 Belfast ??? British Telecom Channel D 76.9375 Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 7 76.9375 86.9375 Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 3 76.9500 Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 8 76.9500 86.9500 Nationwide Customs and Excise Channel 10 *** 76.9625 - 77.5000 PMR Low Band Mobiles 12.5 kHz AM/NFM Duplex 77.0875 Belfast ??? *** 77.8000 - 79.0000 MoD and USAFE Security, BBC Outside Broadcast Networks 12.5 kHz AM/NFM 77.8750 Nationwide ITN OB Film Mobiles 78.1000 Nationwide RAF ATC Channel Vl 78.1500 Nationwide BBC O/B Talkback Channel 1 78.1900 Nationwide BBC O/B Director Camera Chan 1 78.2025 Nationwide BBC O/B Director Camera Chan 2 78.2155 Nationwide BBC O/B Engineering Channel 2 78.2250 Nationwide BBC O/B Engineering Channel 3 78.2275 Nationwide BBC O/B Rigging Channel 4 78.2375 Belfast ??? BBC O/B Engineering Channel 4 78.2400 Nationwide BBC O/B Rigging Channel 5 78.2525 Nationwide BBC O/B Lighting Channel 6 78.4000 73.1250 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 1 78.4250 73.1500 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 2 78.4500 73.2000 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 3 78.4750 73.2250 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 4 78.5000 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 5 78.5250 Northern Ireland Ulster Defence Regiment Police 78.6500 73.5000 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 1 78.6750 73.2500 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 8 78.7750 73.5500 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 9 78.8000 73.3500 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 6 78.9000 73.0000 Nationwide Military Pye Equipment Chan 7 79.0000 80.0000 Nationwide MoD and RAF Ground Services 12.5 kHz AM/NFM 79.1000 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 1 79.1500 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 2 79.2000 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 3 79.2250 68.3000 Nationwide Military Channel 1 79.2500 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 4 79.2500 68.4000 Nationwide Military Channel 2 79.2750 68.4250 Nationwide Military Channel 3 79.3000 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 5 79.4000 Nationwide Military Channel 4 79.4500 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 8 79.5000 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 9 79.5500 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 10 79.6000 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 11 79.6500 Nationwide RAF Police Channel 12 79.7000 68.1500 Nationwide Military Channel 6 79.8000 Nationwide Military Channel 7 79.9000 68.5250 Nationwide Military Channel 8 79.9500 68.6000 Nationwide Military Channel 9 *** 80.0000 - 82.5000 Fire Brigades (England & Wales) Base and Repeaters (Mobiles Split - 10.5 MHz) NFM Royal Observer Corps 12.5 kHz AM/NFM *** 82.5000 - 84.0000 Limited Police Mobile 12.5 kHz NFM *** 84.1250 - 84.9750 MoD Police Communications 25 kHz AM/NFM Simplex 84.5000 Nationwide Military Police Escorts 84.5750 Nationwide Military Police *** 85.0125 - 86.2975 PMR Low Band Base Repeaters 12.5 kHz AM/NFM 85.1250 Belfast ??? 85.1375 71.6375 Nationwide British Telecom Channel 6 85.1500 71.6500 Nationwide British Telecom Channel 2 85.1625 71.6625 Nationwide British Telecom Channel 4 85.1750 71.6750 Nationwide British Telecom Channel 1 85.1875 71.6875 Nationwide British Telecom Channel 5 85.2000 71.7000 Nationwide British Telecom Channel 3 85.2250 Belfast ??? 85.3750 Belfast BT Engineers 85.4875 71.9875 Nationwide Automobile Association Chan 6 85.5000 72.0000 Nationwide Automobile Association Chan 2 85.5125 72.0125 Nationwide Automobile Association Chan 4 85.5250 72.0250 Nationwide Automobile Association Chan 1 85.5375 72.0375 Nationwide Automobile Association Chan 5 85.5500 72.0500 Nationwide Automobile Association Chan 3 85.5625 72.0625 Nationwide Automobile Association Chan 7 85.5875 72.0875 Nationwide Automobile Association Chan 8 85.7875 72.2875 Nationwide Automobile Association Chan 9 85.8000 72.3000 Nationwide Express Security Vans 85.8125 72.3125 Nationwide DTI Channel L0065 85.8500 72.3500 Nationwide Pye Telecom 85.8750 72.3750 Nationwide DTI 28 Day Hire Pye Telecom Channel 1 86.0750 Belfast Driving Instructors (unknown) 86.3000 - 86.7000 MHz PMR Low Band 12.5 kHz AM/NFM Simplex 86.3000 Nationwide IBA Aerial Riggers 86.3125 Nationwide Mountain Rescue Channel 1 86.3250 Nationwide Park Ranger Service Channel 2 Nationwide St Johns Ambulance Channel 1 86.3500 Nationwide Mountain Rescue Channel 3 Nationwide St Johns Ambulance Channel 3 86.3625 Nationwide Boy Scouts Channel 1 86.4125 Nationwide Mountain Rescue Channel 2 Nationwide St Johns Ambulance Channel 2 86.4250 Natlonwide Forestry Commission Channel 3 86.4375 Nationwide RAC Motor Rally Medical/Safety 86.4500 Nationwide Forestry Commission Channel 2 86.4625 Nationwide Local Authority Common 86.5000 Nationwide IBA Aerial Riggers 86.5250 Nationwide BBC OB Riggers 86.5625 Nationwide DHL International 86.6250 Nationwide Boy Scouts Channel 2 Nationwide Wimpey Construction Channel 2 86.7000 Nationwide AA Emergency 86.7125 - 87.9625 MHz PMR Low Band 12.5 kHz AM/NFM Duplex 86.7125 76.7125 Nationwide HM Customs & Excise Channel 1 86.7250 76.7250 Nationwide HM Customs & Excise Channel 2 86.7375 76.7375 Nationwide HM Customs & Excise Channel 9 86.8000 76.3000 Nationwide Vibroplant 86.9625 76.8625 Nationwide RSPCA Channel 1 86.9375 76.9375 Nationwide HM Customs & Excise Channel 3 86.9500 76.9500 Nationwide HM Customs & Excise Channel 4 87.0000 77.0000 Nationwide RAC Channel 2 87.0125 77.0125 Nationwide RAC Channel 4 87.0250 77.0250 Nationwide RAC Channel 1 87.0375 77.0375 Nationwide RAC Channel 5 87.0500 77.0500 Nationwide RAC Channel 3 87.2125 77.2125 Nationwide Council Common *** 108.1000 - 112.0000 DME, ILS, TACAN and Locallser Aero Navigation Beacons AM 108.1000 Belfast I-BFH DME 109.7000 Belfast/Aidergrove I-AG ILS Runway 25 110.9000 Belfast/Aldergrove I-FT ILS Runway 17 *** 112.0000 - 117.9750 VOR Aero Navigation Beacons *** 118.0000 - 136.0000 International Civil Aviation Band 50 kHz AM 118.3000 Belfast Tower Nationwide Air-to-air pilot chat 120.0000 Belfast/Aldergrove Approach/Radar 120.9000 Belfast/Aldergrove VDF/Radar 121.5000 Nationwide Aeronautical Distress 121.6000 Nationwide Airfield Fire & Rescue 121.7000 Belfast ??? 121.7500 Belfast/Aldergrove Ground 121.8000 Belfast ??? 122.1000 Nationwide Military Tower Common 122.4500 Belfast/Aldergrove Approach Belfast City VDF/Radar??? 122.4750 Nationwide Balloon 122.8500 Londonderry Approach/Tower 123.1000 Belfast ??? 123.2000 Enniskillen Air/Ground 123.3000 Nationwide Military Airfield Approach 123.4500 Nationwide Air-to-air pilot chat 123.5000 Newtonards Tower 123.6500 Belfast ??? 123.9500 Belfast ??? 124.5000 Belfast ??? 125.4750 Belfast ??? 126.2500 Belfast ??? 126.8500 Belfast ??? 127.2750 Belfast ??? 128.2000 Belfast ??? 128.5000 Belfast ??? 129.2250 Scotland Northern Ireland air control 129.0000 Nationwide Balloon 129.7500 Belfast ??? 129.9000 Nationwide Balloon 130.1000 Belfast ??? 130.1250 Belfast ??? 130.4000 Belfast ??? 130.5750 Nationwide Airship to ground 130.6000 Belfast City Serviceair 130.7500 Belfast City Tower 130.8500 Belfast City Approach/Radar/VDF 131.3000 Belfast ??? 131.4750 Belfast ??? 131.5000 Belfast/Aldergrove Aer Lingus 131.55000 Belfast/Aldergrove Ryan Air 131.6750 Belfast ??? 131.7500 Belfast ??? 131.8000 Belfast ??? 131.9000 Belfast/Aldergrove British Airways 134.8000 Belfast ??? 135.3750 Belfast ??? 135.8500 Belfast ??? *** 141.0000 - 141.9000 BBC/Broadcast talkbacks & OB 141.3200 Nationwide BBC O/B Link 141.3500 Nationwide BBC Radio 2 Engineering 141.5500 Nationwide BBC Outside Broadcasts 141.64375 Nationwide BBC Outside Broadcasts 141.66875 Nationwide BBC Engineering Talkback 141.6700 Nationwide TV News ENG 141.69375 Nationwide GLR Talkback 141.74375 Nationwide BBC Radio Cue 141.76875 Nationwide BBC Radio Cue 141.81875 Nationwide BBC News ENG 141.83875 Nationwide BBC TV OB's Data 141.85750 Nationwide BBC Transmitter Group 141.8750 Nationwide BBC TV OB's Data 141.89250 Nationwide BBC TFS Air-Ground *** 141.9000 - 142.0000 Government Agencies NFM *** 142.0000 - 142.9750 MOD, USAF & Government AM Soviet Space Communications FM 144.0000 - 146.0000 MHz Amateur Radio 144.0500 Nationwide CW Calling Frequency 144.3000 Nationwide SSB Calling Frequency 144.5000 Nongeostationary ARS OSCAR 5 Telemetry Bcn Nationwide SSTV Calling 144.6000 Nationwide RTTY Calling 144.6750 Nationwide Data Calling 144.7000 Nationwide FAX Calling 144.7500 Nationwide ATV Calling 144.7750 Nationwide Raynet 145.7250 110.9Hz Belfast GB3NI 146.0000 - 148.0000 MHz Government Agencies and Police Forces NFM (Base Repeaters + 8.0 MHz) 149.0000 - 149.9000 MHz MoD Mould Repeaters NFM *** 152.0000 - 152.9875 Police PMR (England & Wales) 12.5 kHz NFM Duplex 152.2250 Belfast Scottish DHSS? 152.7375 Belfast Scottish DHSS? 153.0250 153.5000 National Paging NFM 153.1750 Nationwide BT Pagers 153.2500 Nationwide Digital Mobile Communications 153.2750 Nationwide Air Call Conwnunications 153.3250 Nationwide Air Call Communicatlons 153.3500 Nationwide Inter City Pagers *** 153.5000 - 154.0000 MoD Tactical Channels 25 kHz NFM Simplex *** 154.0000 - 156.0000 Emergency and Medical 155.0000 Northern Ireland RUC (old channel- possibly still allocated. Do not listen) 155.0250 Northern Ireland RUC (old channel- possibly still allocated. Do not listen) 155.0750 Northern Ireland RUC (old channel- possibly still allocated. Do not listen) 155.1650 Northern Ireland RUC (old channel- possibly still allocated. Do not listen) 155.5000 Northern Ireland RUC (old channel- possibly still allocated. Do not listen) 155.6500 Northern Ireland RUC (old channel- possibly still allocated. Do not listen) 155.2375 Belfast Fire Control 155.3750 Belfast Doctor on call 155.9750 Belfast Doctor on call *** 156.0000 - 162.5000 Maritime Band 25 kHz NFM (Shlp TX/Shore TX) 156.0000 156.0000 Nationwide HM Coastguard 156.0500 160.6500 Nationwide Port Operations 156.3000 160.9000 Belfast Harbour pilot Nationwide Intership Communications Primary. Used by Coastguard vessels during a SAR Situation. 156.3750 156.3750 Nationwide HM Coastguard Secondary 156.4000 161.0000 Bangor Harbour port Intership Communications 156.4250 156.4250 Nationwide lntership Communications 156.4750 156.4750 Nationwide IntershipCommunications 156.5000 156.5000 Belfast BP Port Nationwide PollutionFrequency 156.5250 Nationwide IntershipCommunications 156.5500 156.5500 Nationwide Port Operations 156.5750 156.5750 Nationwide Port Operatlons 156.6000 161.1000 Belfast, Carrickfergus, Kilkeel, Coleraine, Warrenpoint Pilot/port 156.6250 Nationwide IntershipCommunications 156.6500 156.6500 Nationwide Port Operations 156.6750 156.6750 Nationwide HM CoastguardTertiary 156.7000 161.2000 Belfast, Carrickfergus, Kilkeel,Kilkeel, Kilroot, Larne, Portavogie Port 156.7250 156.7250 Nationwide Ports, LockKeepers & SwingBridges 156.7500 156.7500 Nationwide Port Operations 156.7625 156.7625 Nationwide Guard Band 156.8000 156.8000 Nationwide Distress, Safety and Calling coastguard & Harbour Pilots 156.8125 156.8125 Nationwide Guard Band 156.8500 156.8500 Nationwide Port operations 156.8750 Nationwide Intership Communications 156.9000 Nationwide Port Operations 156.9500 161.5500 Belfast BP Port 156.9750 161.5750 Nationwide Port Operations 157.0000 161.6000 Nationwide Port Operations 157.0250 161.6250 Nationwide Port Operations 157.0500 161.6500 Nationwide Shore TX also 157.1000 161.7000 Nationwide Port Operations 157.1750 161.7750 Nationwide Shore TX also 157.3250 161.9250 Nationwide Link Calls 157.4250 162.0250 Nationwide Lighthouse Channel 157.8500 Nationwide Marina Frequency *** 159.9250 - 160.5500 PMR Community Repeaters & Message Handling 159.4875 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 159.5000 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 159.5875 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 159.6250 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 159.6875 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 160.0000 Belfast 'M' Club Shaftesbury square security *** 160.5500 - 161.0000 International Maritime Shore Transmit NFM 160.6000 Belfast ??? 160.9000 Belfast port *** 161.0000 - 161.1000 Paging Acknowledgement Channels 161.0000 Bangor port 161.0250 Belfast ??? 161.0500 Belfast ??? *** 161.1000 - 161.5000 Private Marine Allocation 25 kHz NFM Simplex *** 161.5000 - 162.0500 International Maritime Shore Tran3mIt NFM 161.2750 Nationwide Small Boats Alarms 161.6750 Nationwide Marina & Yacht Club Frequency *** 162.0500 - 163.0000 Private Marine Allocation 25 kHz NFM Simplex Message Handling *** 163.0375 - 164.4125 Pacnet Commercial X-25 Data Network WFM 163.2250 Belfast Builders/Contractors (unknown) 163.8500 159.3500 Belfast UTV Camera Crews 163.9000 159.4000 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 163.9250 159.4250 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 163.9750 Belfast ??? 163.9875 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 164.0000 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 164.0500 159.5500 Belfast St. Johns Ambulance Scout Association 164.0625 Nationwide Scout Association 164.0875 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 164.1250 Nationwide New PMR Allocation 164.1875 Nationwide New PMR Allocation *** 164.4375 - 165.0375 Private Message Handling &CBS PMR Band NFM 164.4375 159.9375 Belfast Coca-Cola 164.5375 160.0375 Belfast Motorcycle Race Control 164.9875 Belfast Fire Control??? *** 165.0500 - 168.2250 VHF PMR High Band Base/Repeater NFM Ambulance Service (England & Wales) 165.3000 Belfast Clearway Skips 165.3875 Belfast ??? 165.4750 Belfast Builders/Electricians (unknown - very strong Doagh Road/Monkstown Road,Newtownabbey) 165.5375 Belfast ??? Transport? 165.5500 Belfast ??? 165.7875 Belfast ??? 166.3250 Belfast Doctor on Call 166.4000 Belfast ??? emergency? 166.6500 Belfast ??? emergency? 167.2625 Belfast Courier (unknown) 167.8750 Belfast Cabletel engineers *** 168.2625 - 168.9375 Government Agencies/British Telecom NFM 168.8875 Nationwide BT Video Set Up Link *** 168.9500 - 169.8375 PMR High Band Simplex 12.5 kHz NFM 168.9875 Nationwide Ordnance Survey 169.0125 Nationwide Short Term Lease PMR NW200 P/A Engineers 169.0250 Nationwide St Johns Ambulance Chan B 169.0625 Nationwide ICL Computers 169.0875 Nationwide Limited DHSS Use Red Cross 169.1375 Nationwide Short Term Lease PMR 169.1500 Nationwide National Trust 169.1625 Nationwide Short Term Lease PMR 169.1875 Nationwide Short Term Lease PMR 169.2250 Nationwide RAC Rallies 169.3625 Nationwide St Johns Ambulance Chan A/1 169.3875 Nationwide St Johns Ambulance Chan 2 *** 169.4000 - 169.8000 New European Messaging Service (ERNES) *** 169.8500 - 173.0500 VW PMR High Band Mobiles (Base Split - 5.8 MHz) 173.0875 Belfast NW200 Post Marshalls 173.1875 Nationwide Mobile Alarm Paging *** 173.2000 - 173.3500 Telemetry Allocations & Garage Door Openers 173.2250 Nationwide Short Range Building Alarms *** 173.3500 - 174.0875 14Hz Radlo Deaf Aids & Biological Telemetry NFM *** 173.8000 - 175.0000 Cordless Microphones Simplex FM 173.8000 Nationwide De-regulated Radio Microphone Theatre Radio Microphone 174.1000 Nationwide De-regulated Radio Microphone Theatre Radio Microphone 174.5000 Nationwide De-regulated Radio Microphone 174.8000 Nationwide De-regulated Radio Microphone Theatre Radio Microphone 175.0000 Nationwide De-regulated Radlo Microphone Theatre Radio Microphone *** 175.0200 - 176.5000 IBA Broadcast Links 12.5 kHz NFM Simplex Radio Microphones 175.5200 Nationwide ITV Radio Microphone 176.4000 Nationwide Theatre Radio Microphone *** 176.5000 - 183.5000 VHF Bl PMR Base Repeaters 12.5 kHz NFM Duplex (Split + 8.0 MHz) Radio Microphones 176.6000 Nationwide BBC Radio Microphone 176.8000 Nationwide BBC News Radio Microphone 177.0000 Nationwide Theatre Radio Microphone *** 183.5000 - 184.5000 VHF PMR 12.5 kHz NFM Simplex *** 184.5000 - 191.5000 VHF Ml PMR Mobiles 12.5 kHz NFM Duplex (Split - 8.0 MHz) Radio Microphones 184.6000 Nationwide BBC News Radio Microphone 184.8000 Nationwide ITV Radio Microphone 185.0000 Nationwide ITV Radio MIcrophone *** 191.5000 - 192.5000 VHF PMR 12.5 NFM Simplex *** 192.5000 - 199.5000 VHF B2 PMR Base Repeaters 12.5 kHz NFM Duplex (Split + 8.0 MHz) Radio Microphones 192.6000 Nationwide BBC News Radio Microphone 192.8000 Nationwide ITV Radlo Microphone 193.0000 Nationwide BBC Radio Microphone 199.5000 - 200.5000 MHz VHF PMR 12.5 NFM Simplex 200.6000 Nationwide BBC Radio Microphone 200.8000 Nationwide ITV News Radio Microphone 201.0000 Nationwide ITV Radio Microphone 206.5000 - 208.5000 MHz BBC & IBA Simplex/Duplex Allocations 208.5000 - 215.5000 MHz VHF B3 PMR Base Repeaters 12.5 kHz NFM Duplex (Split + 8.0 MHz) Outside Broadcast Radio Microphones 208.6000 Nationwide Radio 1 Roadshow Radio mics 208.8000 Nationwide ITV Radio Microphone 209.0000 Nationwide BBC Radio Microphone 215.0000 - 216.0000 VHF PMR 12.5 NFM Simplex 216.5000 - 223.5000 MHZ VHF M3 PMR Mobiles 12.5 kHz NFM Duplex (Split - 8.0 MHz) Radio Microphones 216.6000 Nationwide ITV Radio Microphone 216.8000 Nationwide BBC Radio Microphone 217.0000 Nationwide ITV Radio Microphone 225.0000 328.6000 MHz UHF Military Aviation 25 kHz AM US AFSATCOM & FLTSATCOM Down Links FM 230.6000 Nationwide Air-Air 233.0000 Royal Navy Ship-Air 233.2000 Royal Navy Ship-Air 234.9000 Nationwide RAF Volmet 239.1000 Tyrone AM Aircraft 240.3000 Nationwide Air-Air Refuelling 241.8250 RAF Aldergrove RAF Ops 242.1500 RAF Upper Heyford ATIS 243.0000 International Air Distress 256.0000 Royal Navy Ship-Air 256.1000 Royal Navy Ship-Air 258.0500 Nationwide Air-Air Tanker,Ops 258.4000 ARA 10 Air-Air Refuelling 258.8000 Nationwide British Army Air-Air 259.7000 International Space Shuttle Down Link 265.8500 Nationwide Afr-Atr Refuelling 266.5000 Nationwide USAF Air-Air Refuelflng 277.0000 Nationwide NATO Magic Surveillance Royal Navy Ship-Air 296.8000 International Space Shuttle Down Link 310.0000 RAF Aldergrove Approach 311.0000 ARA 2 Air-Air Refuelling 311.4750 Nationwide USAF Air-Air 311.9750 Nationwide USAF General Air-Air 316.3500 ARA 8 Air-Alr Refuelling 316.6000 ARA 4 Air-Air Refuelling 317.2000 ARA 4 Air-Air Refuelling 318.5500 Nationwide Air-Air Refuelling 319.6000 Royal Navy Ship-Air 322.2000 Nationwide USAF Alr-Air 323.2000 Nationwide USAF Air-Air 326.9000 ARA 5 Air-Air Refuelling 335.4000 399.9000 MHz UHF Military Aviation 25 kHz AM 409.5000 - 410.0000 MHz MOD & Government Use 410.0000 - 425.0000 MHZ MOD. USAF & Mould Use 25 kHz Simplex Formula One Racing Team Links NFM 425.0000 - 425.5000 MHz PMR UHF Band Mobtle 12.5 kHz NFM Base Split + 20.5 MHz 425.5000 - 429.0000 MHz PMR UHF Band Mobile 12.5 kHz NFM Base Split + 14.5 MHz *** 433.0000 - 440.0000 70cm Amateur Radio Band 433.0500 Belfast 110.9Hz GB3UL Repeater 433.4000 Nationwide Simplex UHF Channel 433.4250 Nationwide Simplex UHF Channel 433.4500 Nationwide Simplex UHF Channel 433.4750 Nationwide Simplex UHF Channel 433.5000 Nationwide Simplex UHF Channel 433.5250 Nationwide Simplex UHF Channel 433.5500 Nationwide Simplex UHF Channel 433.5750 Nationwide Simplex UHF Channel 433.6000 Nationwide Simplex UHF Channel 440.0125 - 443.4875 MHz PMR UHF Band Base Repeaters 12.5 kHz NFM Mobile Split 14.5 MHz 440.7750 426.2750 Nationwide Customs & Excise 440.8250 426.3250 Nationwide Customs & Excise 440.8500 426.3500 Nationwide Customs & Excise 441.0000 Nationwide Xerox Copiers 441.1000 Nationwide MediCall 443.5000 - 445.3000 RHz ?4oD Radiolocation Beacons and MOD Base Communications 25 kHz NFM 445.0000 - 447.9875 MHz Shop & Post Office Security 25 kHz NFM 446.6875 Nationwide BBC Local Radio Talkback 446.7375 Nationwide BBC Local Radio Talkback 446.9375 Nationwide BBC Local Radlo Talkback 446.5000 - 447.5000 MHz IBA, BBC and MOD Allocations NFM 447.5000 - 449.0000 ??? PMR 448.5125 Craigavon Craigavon Shopping Centre 449.0000 - 450.0000 MHz MoD Radiolocation Beacons *** 450.0000 - 452.9750 Police mobile PMR System (England & Wales) NFM Base Split +13.9 MHz 452.4250 Belfast ??? 452.5500 Belfast Stormont/Castle Buildings Security 453.4500 Belfast ??? 452.6000 Belfast ??? *** 453.0000 - 454.0000 UHF Mobile PMR Band 12.5 kHz NFMBase Split + 6.5 MHz 453.0625 Belfast ??? - sounds like a repeater? 453.0750 Belfast ??? - sounds like a repeater? 453.0875 Belfast ??? 453.1500 Belfast ??? 453.2250 Belfast ??? 453.2750 Belfast ??? 453.3500 Belfast ??? 453.4000 Belfast ??? 453.5000 Belfast Castle Court Security 453.7750 Belfast ??? 453.9750 Belfast ??? 454.0250 454.8250 MHz Private Radio Paging Systems 25 kHz 454.6750 Nationwide Millicomm Paging *** 454.8500 454.9750 Limited MOD & PMR Alloactions 455.0000 455.4500 Nationwide BBC TV OB Talkback WFM 455.5000 Belfast/Aldergrove Fire Service North Side *** 455.4750 - 455.9750 PMR Airport Security, Dept Of Transport/CAA Ground Control Repeaters NFM 455.5125 Nationwide Transport Police Bravo Xray 455.6250 Nationwide Red Devil Parachute Team 455.8375 Belfast/Aldergrove ??? *** 456.0000 - 457.0000 Transport, Security, Formula One Racing Team Links 12.5 kHz NFM 456.0750 Belfast ??? 456.1000 Belfast ??? 456.2000 Belfast Citybus 456.3750 Nationwide British Transport Police 456.3875 Belfast ??? 456.4750 Nationwide Independent Coach Operators 456.6000 Belfast/Aldergrove ??? 456.7000 Nationwide Marconi Communications Nationwide Motorola 456.9250 Nationwide UHF Demonstration Channel 456.9750 Nationwide Bus & Coach Operators 457.0000 - 457.5000 MHz UHF Fire Mobile Links 12.5 kHz Simplex & Duplex Base Split + 5.5 MHz 457.3500 Nationwide AA UHF Mobiles 457.50625 - 458.49375 MHz Fixed Scan Telemetry Links & Ship Board Handheld Transceivers 6.25 kHz NFM Base Split +5.5 MHz 457.9250 Nationwide Short Term Hire Eluipment 458.5000 - 459.5000 MHz UHF Remote Controlled Model Band 458.5000 Nationwide UHF Demonstration Channel 458.5125 Nationwide Telemetry 458.5125 - 459.4875 MHz Low Power Paging 458.8250 Fixed Alarm Paging 458.8375 Transportable & Mobile Alarm Paging 458.9000 Car Theft Alarm Paging 459.0000 Medical & Biological Telemetry 459.1250 161.0000 Paging 459.1500 161.0250 Marina Paging 459.2500 161.0500 Paging 459.3250 161.0125 Paglng 459.3500 161.0250 Paging 459.3750 161.0375 Paging 459.4000 161.0500 Paging 459.4500 161.1000 Paging 459.4750 161.1125 Paging 459.5000 - 460.5000 MHz Ambulance Handsets and Various PMR Users Mobile Split - 5.5 MHz 12.5 kHz NFM Formula One Racing Team Links 460.5000 461.5000 MHz UHF Point to Point Links 25 kHz NFM Split + 6.5MHz 461.3250 Craigavon Meadows Shopping Centre 461.5000 - 462.5000 MHz P14R UHF Band Base 12.5 kHz NFM Mobile Split - 5.5 MHz Formula One Racing Team Links 461.9000 456.4000 Customs & Excise Covert Repeater 464.0000 - 465.0000 MHz British Telecom Links NFM Split - 14.0 MHz 465.0000 - 467.0000 MHz Police PR Base & Repeater System (Scotland) Mobile Split - 14.0 MHz Formula One Racing Team Links 467.0000 - 467.8250 MHz UHF Point to Point Simplex Links Ship Communications, Repeaters & BBC Local Radio 467.5250 Ship Cormnunlcations 467.5500 Ship Communications 467.5750 Ship Conwnunications 467.6750 Ship Communications 467.7500 Ship Coimnunications 467.7750 Ship Cownunications 467.8000 Ship Coimnunications 467.8250 Ship Connunications 467.8250 - 468.0000 MHz UHF Point to Point Links NFM Split - 6.0 MHz 467.8750 Nationwide Pye Telecom Mobiles 467.9250 Nationwide Pye Telecom Mobiles 468*0000 - 468.3500 MHz PMR Reserve 25 kHz NFM Outside Broadcast Talkback 468.3500 - 469.4750 MHz Outside Broadcast Talkback NFM 468.3750 Nationwide [TV Cameras 468.4750 Nationwide IBA Riggers 468.5000 Nationwide ITV OB 469.5000 - 469.85C)o MHz Limited PMR Allocations 470.0000 - 582.0000 MHz UK WFM TV Channels (VideD/Sound) Local Radio Talkback and Theatre Radiomicrophones (loinw Max) 470.5065 Nationwide British Telecom 471.2500 477.2500 Nationwide Channel 21 478.7000 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 479.2500 485.2500 Nationwide Channel 22 479.6500 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 480.2000 Nationwide Theatre Radiomlcrophone 480.4000 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 487.2500 493.2500 Nationwide Channel 23 495.2500 501.2500 Nationwide Channel 24 497.5000 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 497.7000 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 498.4800 Nationwide Theatre Rsdiomicrophone 498.7800 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 499.6100 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 500.2800 Nationwide Theatre Radiomic-rophone 502.4400 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 502.6900 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 503.2500 509.2500 Nationwide Channel 25 511.2500 517.2500 Nationwide Channel 26 519.2500 525.2500 Nationwide Channel 27 527.2500 533.2500 Nationwide Channel 28 535.2500 541.2500 Nationwide Channel 29 543.2500 549.2590 Nationwide Channel 30 551.2500 557.2500 Nationwide Channel 31 559.2500 565.2500 Nationwide Channel 32 567.2500 573.2500 Nationwide Channel 33 575.2500 581.2500 Nationwide Channel 34 583.6900 Nationwide Theatre Radlofnicrophone 584.1500 Nationwide Theatre Radiomicrophone 590.0000 - 598.0000 MHz Civil & Defence Radar 598.0000 - 606.0000 MHz Future TV Channel 5 Al location 606.0000 - 614.0000 MHz Radio Astronomy 614.0000 - 854.0000 MHz UK WFM TV Channels (Video/Sound) 615.2500 621*2500 Nationwide Channel 39 623.2500 629.2500 Nationwide Channel 40 631.2500 637.2500 Nationwide Channel 41 639.2500 645.2500 Nationwide Channel 42 647.2500 653.2500 Nationwide Channel 43 655.2500 661.2500 Nationwide Channel 44 663.2500 669.2500 Nationwide Channel 45 671.2500 677.2500 Nationwide Channel 46 679.2500 685.2500 Nationwide Channel 47 687.2500 693.2500 Nationwide Channel 48 695.2500 701.2500 Nationwide Channel 49 703.2500 709.2500 Nationwide Channel 50 711.2500 717.2500 Nationwide Channel 51 719.2500 725.2500 Nationwide Channel 52 727.2500 733.2500 Nationwide Channel 53 735.2500 741.2500 Nationwide Channel 54 743.2500 749.2500 Nationwide Channel 55 751.2500 757.2500 Nationwide Channel 56 759.2500 765.2500 Nationwide Channel 57 767.2500 773.2500 Nationwide Channel 58 775.2500 781.2500 Nationwide Channel 59 783.2500 789.2500 Nationwide Channel 60 791.2500 797.2500 Nationwide Channel 61 799.2500 805.2500 Nationwide Channel 62 807.2500 813.2500 Nationwide Channel 63 815.2500 821.2500 Nationwide Channel 64 823.2500 829.2500 Nationwide Channel 65 831.2500 837.2500 Nationwide Channel 66 839.2500 845.2500 Nationwide Channel 67 847.2500 853.2500 Nationwide Channel 68 863.0000 - 864.0000 MHz Land Mobile Expertmental Use 865.0500 - 867.9500 MHz New 'Zonephonet Cordless Telephone Band WFM 865.0500 Nationwide Channel 01 865.1500 Nationwide Channel 02 865.2500 Nationwide Channel 03 865.3500 Nationwide Channel 04 865.4500 Nationwide Channel 05 865.5500 Nationwide Channel 06 865.6500 Nationwide Channel 07 865.7500 Nationwide Channel 08 865.8500 Nationwide Channel 09 865.9500 Nationwide Channel 10 866.0500 Nationwide Channel 11 866.1500 Nationwide Channel 12 866.2500 Nationwide Channel 13 866.3500 Nationwide Channel 14 866.4500 Nationwide Channel 15 866.5500 Nationwide Channel 16 866.6500 Nationwide Channel 17 866.7500 Nationwide Channel 18 866.8500 Nationwide Channel 19 866.9500 Nationwide Channel 20 867.0500 Nationwide Channel 21 867.1500 Nationwide Channel 22 867.2500 Nationwide Channel 23 867.3500 Nationwide Channel 24 867.4500 Nationwide Channel 25 867.5500 Nationwide Channel 26 867.6500 Nationwide Channel 27 867.7500 Nationwide Channel 28 867.8500 Nationwide Channel 29 867.9500 Nationwide Channel 30 868.0000 - 869.9750 MHz Deregulated Band For Low Power Devices 870.0000 - 880.0000 MHz UHF Cellular Radio Telephones (Cellnet & Vodaphone) Mobile NFM 888.0000 - 889.0000 MHz Low Powered Antf-Theft Devices 890.0000 - 905.0000 MHz UHF Cellular Radio Telephones (Celinet & Vodaphone) Mobile NFM 905.0000 - 915.0000 MHz Reserved For Pan European Digital Cellular Service Mobiles 914.0125 - 914.9875 MHz Now Cybernat/Uniden Cordless Telephones Handset Transmit 915.0000 - 925.0000 MHz UW Cellular Radio Telophones (Cellnet & Vodaphone) Repeater Sites NFMThese frequencies for UK & Northern Ireland
were supplied by "SB (Newtownabbey)"